How to register
To access the Haya Real Estate purchasing portal, you should register as a supplier and receive an authorisation notification in the portal.
Click on the “register” link.
Complete the information requested. The fields marked (*) are mandatory.
Please enter a minimum of 6 characters for your company code, user code and password. These codes will be necessary to access the HAYA portal. Once the registration process has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email of your request to become a supplier of HAYA. As soon as HAYA authorizes your homologation, you will receive a confirmation email of your homologation as supplier of HAYA. From that moment onwards, you may access the HAYA Supplier Portal.
It is very important that you keep the email that notifies your authorization in the portal. In this mail both the company code and the user code are indicated. This data IS IMPERATIVE to access the portal or reset the password.
How to access the Portal
If you have already registered as a HAYA supplier:
Introduce access codes in the space reserved and click “LOGIN”.
If you wish to enter an offer, select “offer requests”. Modify format configuration according to your needs.
If you wish to modify your user information , select "User options".
If you are the principal user of the company, and you wish to modify data related to it, select “modify company” . Through this option, you may also attach files related to your company. which may be of use to HAYA.
I forgot my password
If you have already registered as a HAYA supplier but, have forgotten the access codes:
Click on the link "Forgot your access codes?"
Type in your company code, user and email address you used to register on the procurement portal.
You will automatically be redirected to a page where you can reset your password.
Frequently asked questions:
Q - I introduce the access codes but the system tells me that they are incorrect.
R - Check that the codes are being introduced in exactly the same way as when you registered them, (taking into account capital letters, spaces, etc). To verify that the codes introduced are correct, you can use the link “Forgot your login data ?” and the codes will be resent to you.
Q- I have requested the registry, but when clicking “Accept” in the sign-up contract the link fails.
R - Depending on your specific case, try the following:
1. If you have the Google bar installed:
It is possible that the pop-up block is activated. To deactivate it, go to the “options” menu of the Google bar and deselect the “pop-ups block” option. -
2. If you have the Windows XP Service Pack 2 installed, go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy from the Internet Explorer, and check that the emergent elements’ block is disabled. Select the “Security” tab and click on ”customized level”. Check that the “Enable” box from the file download is marked.
Also check which level of security is set. If you have a medium-high or higher security level, go to "Sites" and add the page http://compras.haya.es between the allowed sites.
Q - I have accessed the purchasing portal with my access codes, but when clicking "Offer request" the page freezes.
R - Check that the web browser you are using to access the internet is Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 16.0 or higher, or Google Chrome.
Q - The buyer has communicated that I may introduce an offer in the portal. I have accessed the portal with my access codes but I cannot view any published process.
R - For some reason, the buyer has not yet published the process in the portal. Contact the buyer.
For further information, you may download the following tutorials::
If you have not been able to resolve your queries, contact us on +34 902 039 818 or send us an email to soporteproveedores@haya.es